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Thrifty Durban

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Thrifty Durban

thrifty durbanThe Thrifty Durban branch is a part of a nationwide network of rental agencies offering people access to reasonably priced rental cars. Here, all vehicle rental needs are catered for with exceptional service. This is why Thrifty is such a fast growing company in the independent sector of the car hire business in South Africa. Other countries that they operate from include Namibia and Mauritius.


Thrifty Durban

There are 3 branches of Thrifty Car Rental in Durban. The first would be the Durban City branch, located at Florence Nzama Street. The second would be the one outside of Durban, in the city of Richards Bay, at the Richards Bay Airport. The last is the Thrifty Car Hire Durban Airport branch, located at the King Shaka Airport in La Mercy. With Thrifty Durban, you would get well priced cars which in these tough times is really sought after. Car hire is truly the most affordable way of getting around in a visiting city and retaining a private means of transport.


Hiring a Car at Thrifty Durban

  • All Thrifty Durban branches only rent out vehicles to licensed drivers who must be 21 years of age or older. Renters must also be able to pay for the rental vehicle with a credit card in their name. All Thrifty Car Hire Durban branches do allow for a sponsored booking which means getting authorization for a third party to handle the payment if the driver is not able to do so.
  • If these are met, then a reservation for a Thrifty Durban vehicle can be done either by going directly to the branch, calling their customer care telephone line or using an online booking thrifty durbanengine. Going directly to the branch means having to wait until you are in Durban and having slim pickings when it comes to vehicles, since it is a high probability that majority will already be hired out. It could mean being stuck with a more expensive vehicle than anticipated or something smaller than needed. Over the phone means that you must have all relevant details on standby or making multiple calls to secure the reservation. This is the reason that most people get their Thrifty Durban bookings done online. You would use the booking engine to gain access to the various vehicles available for hire at Thrifty Durban during your time in the city.
  • Once this list is up, you would select a vehicle. Go with a vehicle that would best suit your purposes in the city and which would make your travelling easier. This would mean hiring a people seater if you would be travelling as part of a delegation, allowing for a single vehicle to transport an entire group. It would be wise to choose an entry level vehicle as these come with the cheapest rates and do not use up as much fuel. Space issues can be tackled with the hire of a van which has sufficient spacing at the back.
  • The next step in hiring a car at Thrifty Durban would be to choose some side items.thrifty durban
  • The next step would be to choose some extra options. These are not pivotal to take and are there to be used at the customer’s discretion. Items include an additional driver’s fee which is chosen only if the renter of the vehicle will not be the only person driving the vehicle. A baby or booster seat can be hired for babies and toddlers respectively. These mentioned items are charged as a once off fee. Glass cover, tyre cover and GPS units are charged per day of hire.
  • The drivers information will then need to be entered in which are Name, Surname, Mobile Number, Email and ID/Passport details. Thrifty also requires flight details if the Durban Airport branch will be used as the pickup base. The flight number and arriving time will need to be given so that the branch can monitor the details to know when flights are delayed and when tothrifty car hire durban expect their customer. The payment can be done as per the full quoted amount or half of it with the remainder payable at the branch during the pickup. When this is complete, the booking is confirmed as well. You have handled the majority of the hiring process, simplifying your time at the Thrifty Durban branch.
  • Sometimes life happens, and the trip to Durban might be cancelled. In this case, Thrifty allows for the cancellation of a vehicle which is free of any charge provided that it is done 24 hours before the collection.
  • If you are still going ahead with the rental, then you would just pitch up at the Thrifty Durban branch on the day and time of your rental to pick up your vehicle. The staff would have to first confirm that it is indeed you that did the online booking and to confirm the credit card as well. They will then bring the vehicle up front to go through your inspection. You can then lay any complains, if any, regarding the drive or any minor damage of the car so that this cannot be blamed on you upon return. The vehicle will be given with a fully fuelled tank so you are able to start driving without this being a worry. It does mean that the tank must be filled upon return.thrifty car hire durban airport
  • You now have your very own car to drive about in and never have to worry about anybody else’s scheduling. Roam about Durban at your will and enjoy every nook and cranny of this beautiful and lively city.
  • The final step in the car hire process at Thrifty Durban will be to return the vehicle. This must be done before the time expires. This time will be stated on the rental agreement and must be adhered to critically. If the vehicle has been hired out after your rental, it would mean a bit of a wait for this customer and a hefty fine for you. Best to avoid this and return the vehicle timely and if you are flying out, it will also mean being early for your flight.
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